Sunday, October 10, 2004

Raymond Scott

Raymond Scott's Clavivox

Raymond Scott has been monumentally influential on the music of today. His work pre-dates Plone and Aphex Twin by nearly 50 years, but still sounds fresh today.

These two radio clips explain what he does:

Voice of America - Raymond Scott.mp3
NPR - Raymond Scott.mp3

In these tracks, he is demonstrating new instruments:

Raymond Scott - Clavivox Demonstration.mp3
Raymond Scott - Circle Machine Demonstration.mp3

He used the Circle Machine for a Ford commercial:

Raymond Scott - Ford Commerical.mp3

A CD was released in 2000 collecting the works of The Manhattan Research Inc, that Scott founded. These are only samples of the tracks, but they are so good I think they're worth getting on their own...

Raymond Scott - Ripples.mp3
Raymond Scott - Mountain Queen.mp3
Raymond Scott - Limbo.mp3
Raymond Scott - Twilight in Turkey.mp3
Raymond Scott - MT/ST.mp3
Raymond Scott - Lightworks.mp3


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Excellent post because it's related to Raymond Scott a big figure in the music world, I'd like to make him some questions because I could get some excellent ideas.m10m
It is the first time that I see something like that. It is like a mini piano but with a funny shape.
Great site!!! this information really helped me
It was nice visiting your blog. There are some interesting and useful things have been shared her
Thanks for your article, really useful information.
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